Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Message From the Musicians of the ASO

Dear Colleagues:

I had hoped to have this read to you before you met last night. Please pardon my delay...

A message from the Musicians of the ASO to each and every member of the WORLD’S

As you gather tonight, as you have for so many Mondays for so very many years, it seemed appropriate if not vital to convey our love and appreciation for you all while expressing the gravity of the situation in which the ASO family is now immersed.

Most of you know the details…

- Two years ago the ASO Musicians were locked out by the WAC and the subsequent agreement cut our pay by 15%, we were forced to accept 10 weeks of furlough, and the complement (size) of the Orchestra was reduced from 95 to 88 players.

- Now, unbelievably, we find ourselves locked out AGAIN, only this time, dear friends, it is much, much worse.

With absolutely no trace of melodrama I can state emphatically to you that the changes the WAC currently propose to the contract of the Musicians of the ASO would immediately take the ASO from a world class orchestra to a regional one.

It would be an orchestra I and my colleagues would not wish to play in and an orchestra which would not be worthy of the ASOC.

It is with the utmost pride that I say that every one of my most memorable musical experiences over my 27 years in the ASO have been with you…our beloved ASOC.

You make us better and I like to think we do the same for you. We are that proverbial house that, divided, cannot stand. We know from your many comments in person, by phone, and online of your love and support and we know you stand with us.

We look forward to making great music together with you…I wish I could say soon but that is far beyond my prognostication skills. But I do know when we do it will not be with a mere shell of a great orchestra - as the WAC proposes - but, with your support, the same great Atlanta Symphony Orchestra that has been honored and blessed to share the stage with you for over 40 years.

Paul Murphy
President, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Players Association

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