Sunday, September 23, 2012

You've written your letters, now please ask others to write, too!

We've had some encouraging news today -- at least it seems that the management and players are talking again -- but there's no guarantee that an agreement will be reached. I'd like to encourage chorus members to get in touch with their contacts in the community and urge them to write letters to the ASO management and the ASO/WAC board members.

Here's a version of an e-mail that I sent to the directors of a couple of choral groups, asking them to spread the word among their members. Not nearly as eloquent as many of the letters that members have posted on this blog, but feel free to take this and use it as you will:


As you're probably already aware, the contract negotiations between the musicians of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and the management of the ASO and the Woodruff Arts Center have broken down. The players are currently locked out and are receiving no pay or benefits. The players have offered $4 million of concessions in salaries and benefits, but the management is demanding more. As a member of the ASO Chorus I am particularly concerned about the situation and the damage that it may cause to this institution. Several chorus members have set up a blog to disseminate information among current and former ASOC members as well as friends and supporters. We’re trying to encourage people to write letters to the ASO management and the ASO and Woodruff Arts Center board members to show their support for the players and urge a speedy resolution of the contract stalemate. The URL for the blog is:

Addresses that you can send letters to are available in the following blog posting:

And you can read the various blog entries to see some of the letters that members of the ASO Chorus have already sent, as well as other news about the contract negotiations and related stories.

If you think that the ASO is important to the community and are concerned about the impact of the lockout on the future of the orchestra, please take the time to write a letter and let your voice be heard.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Keith ... this is very important for us to do. Any classical musician -- anywhere in the world -- will be affected by the precedents set here. The ASO Board and WAC need to be shown how deeply the ASO reaches into the Atlanta community. I was surprised to get emails from people whose only news about the ASO was the recent 'diversity' debacle, so getting the word out helps get people up to speed!
