Tuesday, September 25, 2012

At The Table

If you blink you would miss it on the AJC's online home page:



It's all there in black and white - in case anyone thinks there's been exaggeration here.


  1. I am sorry to read this! I know they all want to go back to work but sounds like they have given in to the powerful leaders and that makes me very said... It is not right! I understand they need work and they need health insurance but I'm sorry management gets so much

  2. Check out the comments on the first article - yowzah!

  3. YES!!!!!! To the Comments!!! Now if we could get these wonderful letters to the AJC!!!!! Then maybe there would be hope!! They are having to vote now!! I hope they don't give in but I know they have felt like that don't have power behind them....

  4. I hope they don't give in too, Margaret. I want to sing the fall season bad. But if the musicians choose not to agree to give Mgt. everything they ask for, I'll stand with the musicians.

  5. You know reading about Chicago it seems at least they were treated with more respect and dare I say even appreciated! Makes me very sad... This is not the Atlanta I thought I lived in.

  6. Union-Busting 1.01, Margaret ... show no respect to the people you are negotiating with. Manipulate the media so they appear recalcitrant and in the wrong. Did you see John Ruff's letter (at the top)? I'll bet you got one of those emails too.
